ABC of Chairing

A digital version of Citrine's ABC of Chairmanship, 1939.

Appendix B

Flow charts of Procedure

Procedure on a motion which is put to the vote

graph TB A[Motion Moved & Seconded] --> B[No Amendment Proposed] B --Vote--> C[Carried] & D[Defeated] C --> E[Resolution] A --> F[Amendment Proposed and Seconded] F --Vote--> G[Amendment Carried] & H[Amendment Lost] G --> I[No further amendment] I --Vote--> C & D G --> J[Amended Motion] J --> K[Further Amendment] K --Vote--> L[Lost] & M[Carried] --> I H --> N[Original Motion] & O[Original Motion] N --> I O --> K

Procedure on a motion in any event

graph LR A[Motion] --> B[No Amendment proposed] & C[Amendment proposed] B --Vote--> D([Carried]) & E([Defeated]) B --No Vote--> F([Withdrawn, Adjourned, Next Business Moved, Previous Question]) C --Vote--> J[Amendment lost] & K[Amendment carried] J --> L[Original Motion] L --No Vote--> F L --Vote--> D & E L --> M[Further Amendment] M --> C K --> N[Amended Motion] N --Vote--> O([Carried]) & P([Defeated]) N --No Vote--> Q([Withdrawn, Adjourned, Next Business Moved, Previous Question]) D & O --> R([Resolution])

Simplified flowchart (editor’s addition)

graph TB A[/Original Motion/] --> B[Moved and seconded] B --> C{Amendments moved and seconded?} C --No--> D{Put to the vote?} D --Yes--> E{Result} E --Carried--> F[/Resolution/] E --Lost--> G([Defeated]) D --No--> H([Withdrawn/Adjourned/Next Business Moved/Previous Question]) C --Yes--> I{Vote on Amendment} I --Carried--> J[/Amended Motion/] I --Lost--> K[/Original Motion/] J & K --> L{Further Amendment?} L --Yes--> I L --No--> D