ABC of Chairing

A digital version of Citrine's ABC of Chairmanship, 1939.

Appendix C

Model Standing Orders

1. Quorum

Unless otherwise decided, all meetings shall begin at (00) pm, and end at (00) pm. (00) members shall form a quorum. If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for the meeting to commence, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be dissolved.

2. Order of Business

An Agenda shall be prepared by the chair and secretary, and shall be circulated to members (00) days in advance of each meeting. All items thereon shall take precedence over all other business. Any member wishing to introduce business for the consideration of the meeting may do so after the business on the Agenda has been completed, but must do so in writing, or may give notice of motion to be discussed at a further meeting.

3. Suspension of Standing Orders

In the event of any matter of urgency, however, the chair may accept a motion for the suspension of the Standing Orders. The member moving such suspension must clearly state the nature and urgency of their business, the numbers of the Standing Orders affected, and the length of time (not exceeding 30 minutes) they desire such suspension to last. No suspension shall take place except by a two thirds majority vote of the members present.

4. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting shall be circulated to members with the agenda. No motion or discussion shall be allowed on the minutes except in regard to their accuracy. After the confirmation of the minutes, they shall be signed by the chair, and the members shall then be at liberty to ask any questions in regard to matters arising out of them. Such questions shall be allowed for purposes of information only, and no debate on the policy outlined in the minutes shall take place.

5. Selection of Speakers

Every member shall stand when speaking, and shall address the chair as ‘Mr’ or ‘Madam Chair.’ When more than one member rises to speak, the first to rise shall be given precedence, the decision resting with the chair, but the member who rose immediately after the first one shall have the right to speak at the close of each member’s address.

6. Chair’s ruling

If the chair rises to call a member to order, or for any other purpose connected with the proceedings, the member speaking shall thereon resume their seat, and no other member shall rise until the Chair be resumed. The ruling of the chair on any question under the Standing Orders, or on points of order or explanation, shall be final, unless challenged by not less than (four) members, and unless two thirds of the members present vote to the contrary.

7. Interruption

If any member interrupts another while addressing the meeting, or uses abusive or profane language, or causes disturbance at any of the meetings, and refuses to obey the chair when called to order, they shall be named by the chair. They shall thereupon be expelled from the room and shall not be allowed to enter again until an apology satisfactory to the meeting be given.

8. Speeches

No member shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any subject before the meeting, unless in committee, or on a point of order, or explanation, except the mover of the Original Motion. But on an amendment being moved, any member, even though they have spoken on the Original Motion, may speak again on the amendment. No member shall speak for more than ten minutes at one time. Members wishing to raise points of order or explanation must first obtain the permission of the chair, and must rise immediately when the alleged breach has occurred. Any member may formally second any motion or amendment and reserve their speech until a later period in the debate.

9. Motions and Amendments

The first proposition on any particular subject shall be known as the Original Motion, and all succeeding propositions on that subject shall be called amendments. Every motion or amendment must be moved and seconded by members actually present at the meeting before they can be discussed and, wherever possible, should be in writing. It is permissible for a member to make their speech first and conclude with a motion. When an amendment is moved to an Original Motion, no further amendment shall be discussed until the first amendment is disposed of. (Notice of any further amendment must be given before the first amendment is put to the vote.)

10. Substantive motions

If an amendment be carried, it displaces the Original Motion and itself becomes the substantive motion, whereupon any further amendment relating to any portion of the substantive motion may be moved, provided it is consistent with the business and has not been covered by an amendment or motion which has been previously rejected. After the vote on each succeeding amendment has been taken, the surviving proposition shall be put to the vote as the main question, and if carried shall then become a resolution of the meeting.

11. Right of Reply

The mover of the Original Motion shall, if no amendment be moved, have the right of reply at the close of the debate upon such motion. When an amendment is moved they shall be entitled to speak thereon in accordance with Standing Order number 8, and at the close of the debate on such amendment shall reply to the discussion, but shall introduce no new matter. The question shall then be put to the vote immediately, and under no circumstances shall any further discussion be allowed once the question has been put from the Chair. The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to reply.

12. Withdrawals or Additions

No motion or amendment which has been accepted by the Chair shall be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the meeting. Neither shall any addendum or rider be added to a motion which has once been accepted by the Chair without such full consent. Should any member dissent, the addendum must be proposed and seconded, and treated as an ordinary amendment.

13. Closing Debate

The motions for the previous question, next business or the closure may be moved and seconded only by members who have not previously spoken at any time during the debate. No speeches shall be allowed on such motions. In the event of the closure being carried, the mover of the Original Motion shall have the right to reply in accordance with Standing Order number 11, before the question is put. Should any one of the motions mentioned in this Standing Order be defeated, (00) minutes shall elapse before it can be accepted again by the chair, unless they are of the opinion that the circumstances have materially altered in the meantime.

14. Adjournment

Any member who has not already spoken during the debate may move the adjournment of the question under discussion, or of the meeting, but must confine their remarks to that question and must not discuss any other matter. The mover of the motion upon which the adjournment has been moved shall be allowed the right to reply on the question of the adjournment, but such reply shall not prejudice their right of reply on their own motion. In the event of such motion being lost it shall not be moved again, except in accordance with Standing Order number 13.

15. Voting

The voting shall be by show of hands, except where a ballot vote is specified by the General Rules. Where required by such rules, or where deemed necessary by the chair, two scrutineers or tellers shall be appointed by the chair. The chair shall not vote on any question, unless there is an equal number of votes, when they shall have a casting vote, OR, The chair may vote on any issue as an ordinary member. If, having done so, the voting is level, they may, if they so decide, exercise an additional casting vote to decide the issue.

16. Voting in Committee

Where a difference of opinion on a proposition at a meeting of any committee occurs, a vote shall be taken (and the names of those voting for and against, and of those abstaining from voting, shall be stated in the minutes).

17. Notice of motion

Notices of motion shall be sent to the secretary in writing not less than (00) days before the meeting at which they are to be discussed. Such motions shall be placed upon the Agenda in the order in which they are received by the secretary.

18. Rescinding a Resolution

No resolution shall be rescinded or amended at the same meeting at which it is passed. (00) days notice of its rescindment or amendment must be given, but the resolution shall not be rescinded or amended unless by the consent of two thirds of the delegates present at the meeting when it is considered.

No resolution involving important issues of finance or policy shall be rescinded at any meeting unless every member eligible to attend such meeting has been duly notified and given the opportunity of being present.

19. Amendment of Standing Orders

These Standing Orders can be amended only at the Annual General Meeting by the consent of two thirds of the delegates present and voting, notice of motion having been sent as specified in Standing Order number 17.