ABC of Chairing

A digital version of Citrine's ABC of Chairmanship, 1939.


Some years ago I wrote a Handbook called The Labour Chairman which dealt with the methods of conducting meetings.

The title was rather restrictive as it gave the impression that the book was only of value to Labour bodies. In the present work, I have revised and considerably extended the text so as to make the book applicable to almost any form of meeting.

I have consulted most of the authoritative works on the subject, including Sir Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice, Palgrave’s Chairman’s Handbook, Gore Brown’s Handbook on Joint Stock Companies, Sir Courtenay Ilbert’s Manual of Procedure of the House of Commons, and several old books, among them J. W. Smith’s Handy Book of Public Meetings.

I have avoided references to authorities as much as possible as this is a tiresome process, but the reader may take it that the procedure laid down is quite authoritative. Wherever there is the slightest doubt, I have indicated in this text.

Whilst it is not claimed that the book deals with everything involved, it is an attempt to present the subject simply, adequately and accurately.

Walter Citrine
October 1939

(Preface to the original 1939 edition)